At one point yesterday from the kitchen I could see the following species in the yard.
-American Robin
-White-crowned Sparrow
-Yellow-rumped Warbler
-Yellow Warbler
-Wilson's Warbler
-Pine Siskin
-American Crow
-Anna's Hummingbird
-Rufous Hummingbird
-European Starling
It was the first time all year that I'd seen those warbler species and the first time ever that I'd seen a Wilson's warbler from home. Shane was chasing the siskins who were mating while the single Yellow-rumped warbler foraged in the driveway. The hummingbirds only just began feeding at the feeder again. It was the first day I had seen rufous feeding at the feeder all year. Both males and females of both species were seen. The female Anna's dominated the feeder.